47 research outputs found

    Ingest and Storage of 3D Objects in a Digital Preservation System

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    The DURAARK project is developing methods and tools for the Long-Term Preservation (LTP) of architectural knowledge, including approaches to: enrich Building Information Models with “as built” information from scans, semantically enrich building models with additional data sets, preserve 3D models for future reuse. This deliverable defines the necessary steps for ingest and storage of 3D objects into anexisting OAIS compliant digital preservation system. It discusses how the gaps, which were previously identified and presented in deliverable D6.6.1, have been addressed in the DURAARK project so far. Developed methods and tools will be run against the DURAARK test set. Lastly, the existing drafts of the metadata schemas buildm for descriptive information and e57m and ifcm as technical metadata schemas for E57 and IFC respectively, will be extended significantly and presented in a digital preservation context

    How Valid is your Validation? A Closer Look Behind the Curtain of JHOVE

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    Validation is a key task of any preservation workflow and often JHOVE is the first tool of choice for characterizing and validating common file formats. Due to the tool’s maturity and high adoption, decisions if a file is indeed fit for long-term availability are often made based on JHOVE output. But can we trust a tool simply based on its wide adoption and maturity by age? How does JHOVE determine the validity and well-formedness of a file? Does a module really support all versions of a file format family? How much of the file formats’ standards do we need to know and understand in order to interpret the output correctly? Are there options to verify JHOVE-based decisions within preservation workflows? While the software has been a long-standing favourite within the digital curation domain for many years, a recent look at JHOVE as a vital decision supporting tool is currently missing. This paper presents a practice report which aims to close this gap

    “You say potato, I say potato” Mapping Digital Preservation and Research Data Management Concepts towards Collective Curation and Preservation Strategies

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    This paper explores models, concepts and terminology used in the Research Data Management and Digital Preservation communities. In doing so we identify several overlaps and mutual concerns where the advancements of one professional field can apply to and assist another. By focusing on what unites rather than divides us, and by adopting a more holistic approach we advance towards collective curation and preservation strategies. &nbsp